Moses’s prayer: The Perfect and Holy Pastor’s Prayer

Lectio Divina (The Divine Reading)

Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.” Exodus 33:13, NKJV

Lectio Divina Prayer (Prayer Based On God’s Word)

Heavenly Father, I give thanks for the glorious example of prayer that your faithful servant Moses lifted up to You on behalf of Your people Israel. There is truly no more perfect prayer that a pastor of your flock could pray. He begins this most humble prayer by acknowledging the grace You extended to him in his life and ministry. Truly we are saved by Your grace alone through faith. For without faith it is impossible to please You and that which is done without true saving faith is sin.

Lord, Your Word reveals that Moses “was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth,” this truth is surely seen in the substance of his prayer to You on behalf of Your people Israel. Moses fully understood that knowledge and grace must first be found in him before he is able to lead Your great people. When he asked You, “show me Your ways,” was he not revealing that all faithful shepherds must truly know your ways? For who can be a faithful guide without knowing the way? Who can walk anywhere in this dark world without Your light to guide our steps and make clear our path?

Moses understood that the increase of knowing Your will and Your ways leads to a more intimate knowledge of You! A knowledge that leads to truly knowing You, not just knowing about You. For human knowledge only puffs up human pride, but it is a loving personal relationship with You that You desire. Moses fully understood that a loving relationship with you can only be achieved through Your grace training the human heart in your ways! As Jesus said, “If you love Me you will keep MY commandments.” Your Apostle John likewise stated, “This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.”

Moses’s prayer flowed from such a heart, that Loved You, Heavenly Father, and Your people Israel wherever they may be found. It is from this very motivation that Moses wanted to grow in the grace and knowledge of You and Your Son Jesus Christ. He wanted to know You more intimately, and thus shepherd Your people more perfectly. Holy Father, in this day of great apostasy, perilous times as Your Apostle Paul stated, grant your pastors to know your ways that they more perfectly know You. Open Your Scriptures to them that they may truly discern good from evil in these times that truth is thrown to the ground as Your servant Daniel said. Moses only wanted to walk in the grace and knowledge of You in order to more perfectly shepherd Your people. Grant this grace to all Your faithful pastors, in Jesus Name!
